
Pastor Obedling Collins

Hello, my name is Obedling Collins, 49 years old and a father to 9 children. I am working as the pastor for the Full Gospel Church in Pakwach. The church has existed for 25 years now. The Christians in the village don’t have clean source of water. Most times the Christians missed church services due to the health challenges that affected them through the water. The most common sickness that has been affecting people here has been typhoid.
We spent allot of money in treating the sick ones in the families. Mostly times the children are the most affected with typhoid and diarrhea due to the dirty water that they drink.
I decided to get the bio sand filter because of the common infections that my family suffered from as a result of drinking dirty and unprotected water. Since I started drinking from the bio sand filter, the infection rate for typhoid has greatly reduced in my family.
I encourage the Christians to get the bio sand filters to reduce on the rate of water borne disease infections in the community. This project has also helped me to preach the gospel to many more people during the sensitization exercise as I worked as a community health agent in my area during the implementation of the project.
During the bio sand filter project, many people accepted Christ as their savior.
As the church of Full Gospel, we now praise the almighty God’s name for answering our prayers for clean water in the community.
“Thank you feat Africa for the support to our church and community, may God bless you and continue to support our people. Says Collins”

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