

My name is Asiki Agele, 40 years, a peasant farmer, a father of 7, living in Godria Awu village. Godria is a one of the villages with a unique and loving group of people in DR Congo. The people living in this village are very much marginalized when it comes to clean water, we drink from unprotected spring and streams. Typhoid, diarrhea, stomach ache, skin rushes are very common due to the dirty water we use in homes.

In the side of medication, we spend about 200,000shillings on medication. We borrow money and sometimes one sells the available animals to pay the bills.
“Agele declares that, the problem of access to clean water has harmfully affected the social life of many families.”

Nevertheless, with the response for clean water access by feat Africa at house hold level through the use of the biosand filters, my family with the community of Godria will be different. Ailments got from drinking dirty water will reduce. I believe, I will not suffer from typhoid regularly like before, and I will be able to care for my family.

I got information on the biosand filters from during a training on clean and safe water access in our homes done in our church by humanitarian workers from Feat Africa, and I immediately requested for one.
I will be able to save money for other activities in the future and it will help us to save enough for the family and educate the children.

“I am proud for feat Africa for the support by giving us clean and better ways of drinking safe water for our homes and Godria Village. May God bless you and we pray you continue to support our people, says Agele.”

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